Tiger Iron crystal cabochon

Craft for the Soul

Regular price $30.00

Crystal Cabochon's are perfect for jewelry making or craft. It's the best shaped crystal to show the beautiful quality of the crystal. 

Tiger Iron: Strength, stamina, focused will, physical energy and strength, self-healing, grounding

Chakras: Base, sacral, solar plexus

Elements: Fire and Earth

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Tiger Iron Crystal Healing Properties:

Tiger Iron is the most energetically dynamic of all the grounding stones.  It is useful for self healing and encourages health, personal power, focussed will and mental clarity.  Tiger Iron lends strength, stamina and energy to the physical body.  It is a protective stone for those that are overly spacey or disengaged from the physical plane. Tiger Iron enhances creative expression and allows one to feel more confident and capable of creating ones reality.

Tiger Iron History and Uses:
Tiger Iron, sometimes called Mugglestone, is a combination of Gold Tiger Eye, Hematite and Red Jasper. Its name refers to the composition of the stone, Tiger Eye and Hematite which is a stone rich in iron. Traditionally it has been used as a grounding stone to build stamina and encourage creative expression.

Tiger Iron Geological Description:

Tiger Iron is a stone containing layers of Tiger Eye, Jasper and Hematite. Tiger Eye and Jasper are both members of the Quartz family, a silicon dioxide mineral with a hardness of 7. Hematite is an iron oxide mineral with a hardness of 5 to 6. Tiger Iron is found in Australia.

Affirmation: I am strong, energetic, grounded, healthy and whole.

Shapes available are Long oval or oval

Long oval: length 4.8 cm X width 2.4 cm

Oval: length 4.1 cm X width 2.9 cm