'Your Truth' handmade macrame necklace

Craft for the Soul

Regular price $65.00

Handmade macrame necklace

Crystals: Rainbow Moonstone + Black Tourmaline

Cotton: grey

Pendant + tassel length: 15cm approx

Cord length: 35 cm approx

Stepping out into your true self, your true world, involves your old self and world crumbling. Everything breaks down to be rebuilt and it's ugly. But here is a pretty necklace to wear while it happens lol 

Crystal properties:

Rainbow moonstone will help you with protection and growth. It uncovers parts of the self that we know least about. It encourages moving into the unknown with perception. Extremely protective stone , especially for travelers. Balanced women's hormones in line with the lunar cycle. Aids in finding your life's true path, provides insight, reveals the positive energy inside. Calms overactive minds, and brings peace. Use for protection, purification, clear self-expression, honest expression of thoughts, speech, and spiritual to physical communication. Woman may need to remove moonstone during a full moon. 

Black Tourmaline aids in understanding oneself and others, taking you deep into yourself, promoting self-confidence and diminishing fear. It banishes any feeling of being a victim and attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity. It protects against cell phones, electromagnetic smog, radiation, psychic attacks, spells and I'll wishes and all negative energy. Connecting with the base chakra, it grounds energy and increases physical vitality, dispersing tension and stress. It encourages a positive attitude and clear thinking, no matter what the circumstances are. 

Rub for good luck.